Saturday, December 4, 2010

The 7 Commandments

The commandments were changed for the good of things and made Animal Farm better.

The Beasts of England

The Beast of England was song by the animals at Animal Farm but then was switched to "Comrade Napoleon".
Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken to my joyful tidings Of the Golden future time.
Soon or late the day is coming, Tyrant Man shall be o'er thrown, And the fruitful fields of England Shall be trod by beasts alone.
Rings shall vanish from our noses, And the harness from our back, Bit and spur shall rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack.
Riches more than mind can picture, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover, beans and mangel-wurzels Shall be ours upon that day.
Bright will shine the fields of England, Purer shall its waters be, Sweeter yet shall blow its breezes On the day that sets us free.
For that day we all must labour, Though we die before it break; Cows and horses, geese and turkeys, All must toil for freedom's sake.
Beasts of England, Beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken well, and spread my tidings Of the Golden future time.[1]

The Farm and Windmill

                                                           Manor Farm(Animal Farm)
                                                                The Windmill

The World May Never Be the Same

The animals on Animal Farm are now being caught wearing clothes.  The people in the town think that this could be the change they have been waiting for.  What do you think? The world is changing all around us but this change could ratify the world forever.

The Best Change Forever

As we have watched Animal Farm closely we have found out that the animals have had a lot of connections with man.  For example they have had close connections with their solicitor, Mr. Whymper.  The animals talk to him and get money and do all there selling to the human world for money.  They also have connections with neighboring farms and make sure that they don't rebel against them again.  Lastly they have close connections with other animals on he nearby famrs because the pigions send messages across the counrty to tell new news and the other birds around the world bring news back.

Tragic News

The most loyal and strongest animal on the farm was an 18 hand high horse named Boxer.  He was just reported to have died late one afternoon.  Reported by Napoleon."It was the most tragic thing that had happened my most trusted horse and strongest animal on the farm had gotten sick and then I was told that there was a veterinarian that we could send him to so I agreed. Then the truck came and it was sending him to the slaughter house instead of the vet. I was so disappointed and sad." The people that are against Animal Farm have caused so much trouble.  Its a beautiful farm!

I'm in Charge

We interviewed Napoleon (the leader of the progression of Animal Farm)
"If I do say so myself I should get an award for being the founder of Animal Farm, for bringing it to prosper. I am such an inspiration. Animal Farm is like a Sugar Candy Mountain with everything that feels like a dream.  I have created it so that everything is even more perfect than before and that it proves to people that farms should be run by the animals because we are capable of it.  You men think were lame, lazy, uneducated species but pigs are known for being the smartest animal ever.  We animals will soon rule the world and show you men that animals are as smart as you.  I made the plan of the windmill, I taught myself how to read and how to write perfectly.  I learned that all on Animal Farm.  That's how magical it is.  

Pictures of the Denizens

                                                                    Mr. Frederick
                                                                    Mr. Pilkington
Mr. Whymper



Breaking news has just been recently found that the Animal Farm that everyone loves has been reported to have been seen attacked by thier former friends; Mr. Frederick.  He was reported to have been seen with some men coming to attack the farm and knocked down there windmill.  The animals had been working on a windmill for several months and now it is demolished because Mr. Frederick and his men had broken it.  It is a horrible sight and the damage is unbearable that the animals will have to redo the windmill which will take a couple more months.  That's all for now but more news is on its way.
Boxer the strongest, most loyal horse on the farm.

Point of View from Man

A human solicitor named Mr. Whymper has recently been caught in helping the farm.  The farms name is now Animal Farm. We interviewed him this week and asked him his opinion of the farm.
"Animal Farm will be known for years to come. Its a sustainable place for animals to live.  I visit there every week and the farm has food always filled to the brim.  The animals all look well fed and they get along.  I haven't heard any disputation.  The farm is working well and better than many farms across the land with men as there care givers.  Animal Farm is the smartest idea of the century.  Its a safe, beautiful place filled with green grass and loving animal's that all get along.  It almost seems unreal but if I were an animal I would want to live there.  The farm is stocked with food, they are all very smart and they have schools that teach the little animals about reading and writing.  Its a farm that is self providing and self caring.  Nothing could destroy this farm."

A nearby farm, Pinchfield is run by a tough, shrewd man Mr. Frederick.  He runs a tight ship and makes sure everything is going right. We interviewed him this week.
" I like Animal Farm it has potential.  It has a lot of timber that could be put to good use. I think that the animals should sell the farm to me so I can make it better.  I will still let the farm be run by animals but I could make the farm better.  Its a great place and I would love for the animals to sell it to me.  What can i say I'm a reasonable man and would offer a pretty good deal for the land.  I'm honest and trustworthy and I keep my promises.  Unlike that mean , cruel, hideous, control freak farmer, Mr. Pilkington.  He's not trustworthy and will break any promises that he makes.  He is a thieving lying thief. Trust me and your lives will be.......happy."

The Confessions of Animal Farm

We interviewed the most "trusted pig on the farm" this week; Squealer.
"Well thank you for interviewing me and I am especially grateful for the farm.  All the animals work so hard and put so much labour in it, that it makes my heart swell.  The farm is doing great and we will never need man to help us again! We do have competition on the farm and its between Napoleon the Great and this skimpy little pig Snowball.  He thinks he's always right but he's not.  Napoleon should be the one in charge.  Snowball really steals all of Napoleons great ideas.  It's crime and he will be counted for it someday.  It may seem that Napoleon isn't the nicest but he is a great leader and Snowball is the one bringing the animals down.  I think the farm would do much better with Napoleon in charge taking the lead and making all the choices because he is a leader.  I am a very smart pig you know and the animals think that were stealing the food but really were fueling our brain power to help the farm progress and be unstoppable.  Pigs are the smartest animal known to man and that's all i have to say."
Told by Squealer "the most trusted pig on the farm"

The World May Never Know

This week an uprising controversy has occurred at a farm in Russia.  A farmer was attacked by his animals in the middle of the night and one of his friends was severely injured and is now in the hospital. The farm is now being operated by the farmer; Mr. Jones animals.  They have survived over a week now and the animals have started to adapt and learn to live on there own.