Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Confessions of Animal Farm

We interviewed the most "trusted pig on the farm" this week; Squealer.
"Well thank you for interviewing me and I am especially grateful for the farm.  All the animals work so hard and put so much labour in it, that it makes my heart swell.  The farm is doing great and we will never need man to help us again! We do have competition on the farm and its between Napoleon the Great and this skimpy little pig Snowball.  He thinks he's always right but he's not.  Napoleon should be the one in charge.  Snowball really steals all of Napoleons great ideas.  It's crime and he will be counted for it someday.  It may seem that Napoleon isn't the nicest but he is a great leader and Snowball is the one bringing the animals down.  I think the farm would do much better with Napoleon in charge taking the lead and making all the choices because he is a leader.  I am a very smart pig you know and the animals think that were stealing the food but really were fueling our brain power to help the farm progress and be unstoppable.  Pigs are the smartest animal known to man and that's all i have to say."
Told by Squealer "the most trusted pig on the farm"

1 comment:

  1. I agre wit Squealer cuz he sayz so. Napoleon shud be in charg.
