Saturday, December 4, 2010

Point of View from Man

A human solicitor named Mr. Whymper has recently been caught in helping the farm.  The farms name is now Animal Farm. We interviewed him this week and asked him his opinion of the farm.
"Animal Farm will be known for years to come. Its a sustainable place for animals to live.  I visit there every week and the farm has food always filled to the brim.  The animals all look well fed and they get along.  I haven't heard any disputation.  The farm is working well and better than many farms across the land with men as there care givers.  Animal Farm is the smartest idea of the century.  Its a safe, beautiful place filled with green grass and loving animal's that all get along.  It almost seems unreal but if I were an animal I would want to live there.  The farm is stocked with food, they are all very smart and they have schools that teach the little animals about reading and writing.  Its a farm that is self providing and self caring.  Nothing could destroy this farm."

A nearby farm, Pinchfield is run by a tough, shrewd man Mr. Frederick.  He runs a tight ship and makes sure everything is going right. We interviewed him this week.
" I like Animal Farm it has potential.  It has a lot of timber that could be put to good use. I think that the animals should sell the farm to me so I can make it better.  I will still let the farm be run by animals but I could make the farm better.  Its a great place and I would love for the animals to sell it to me.  What can i say I'm a reasonable man and would offer a pretty good deal for the land.  I'm honest and trustworthy and I keep my promises.  Unlike that mean , cruel, hideous, control freak farmer, Mr. Pilkington.  He's not trustworthy and will break any promises that he makes.  He is a thieving lying thief. Trust me and your lives will be.......happy."

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